This is not a good take.
And I am appalled at this analysis.
I respect everyone's opinion, including yours too.
However, I have to vehemently disagree on this.
The United States, in the long run, is a child in the grand scheme of things. The history of our government is perverse and imperfect. Our government today is not necessarily that great.
However, we are a country of 330 million people in a representative democracy spread out over 3 million square miles of land. How we look at things, view things with urgency, and consider things importnat is going to vary from city to city, region to region.
I think it's been proven that the Republican Party has been ineffectual and untrustworthy at governing since Eisenhower left office in 1960. At this point, as a Black liberal that supports many progressive policies, I am understanding that the first step necessary is to re-establish a reasonably functioning government. That will not exist if Donald Trump is re-elected.
Unfortunately, there's only two choices of President that actually have a chance of winning the Electoral College. Moreover, this is our last shot to restore decency in government. After all, do we really want to gamble on having someone in power that *literally* has nothing to lose after winning a second term?