This is rather comical.
You're not being ignored. Rather, Sizemore's piece more or less illustrates that he's not ignoring you and your, uh, ilk, to put it nicely.
As someone that doesn't consider himself to be part of that "Left", I will say that this country's progress has been slow and painful because of the fact that we've kowtowed to "conservatives". I'm not talking about "conservatism" as an ideology, but "conservatism" as initially an anti-liberal and now simply illiberal identity.
Trump and his sycophants are preying on the ignorance of those like yourself, who are not privy to election law or constitutional issues. It's sad, to me, that you're willing to latch on to the real conman rather than simply acknolwedge, accept, and forgive yourself for being conned.
Good luck.